My Story
I am Phil Swartwood, and I am new to the literary world but not to captivating stories. Growing up the youngest of 10, my passion for suspense and the supernatural was ignited in the old, enigmatic home, with its own stories and experiences shared by family members and experienced personally. Born and raised amidst a small, tight-knit community, my imagination was a constant companion from a young age, weaving tales that filled many of my days.
With an insatiable thirst for the unexplained and a penchant for spine-tingling thrillers, I am embarking on a literary journey that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary. My writing style is a blend of suspense and the supernatural, where the line between reality and the inexplicable blurs, leaving readers entranced and on the edge of their seats.
I invite readers to explore the shadowy recesses of the unknown, confront their deepest fears, and embrace the unexplainable.
I look forward to sharing my world, my thoughts, my processes, and most of all, my stories with all of you!
Thank you Everyone! Phil